That Sweet Roar - Singing Coaching

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#6: Remembering the Sacred

Singing is first and foremost about expression (something that can get lost in all the skill building and the pursuit of improvement).

But I think most singers have forgotten how MAGICAL and SACRED the act of singing truly can be (which breaks my heart).

So I’m sharing a couple of very simple exercises I created for my Embody Your Voice program to help you connect or reconnect with the visceral, sensual experience of singing. Away from the analysis and striving.

And asking you to view your voice not just as a skill but as a gift FOR YOU FIRST.

See this content in the original post

Faith’s Hymn by Beautiful Chorus

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Your turn

How did the idea of “your voice is a gift for me first” land for you?

What did it bring to the surface?

And how did those exercises feel?