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Embody Your Artistry Oracle Deck


This oracle deck is for the artists, mystics, the storytellers, the creators and the misfits. 

Those who sculpt, weave, write, play, capture or paint something into existence, where there was once nothing. 

Those devoted to living artfully, dancing between light and shadow. 

To embracing vulnerability, intuition, sovereignty, courage and tending to shame with compassion.

For those who wonder if they’re too sensitive, too strange, too curious, too lost.

This deck will act as an advocate for your homecoming, a reclamation of your aliveness. 

To restore your zest for expression, anchor you in worthiness and reaffirm your curious spirit.


These cards were created to rekindle your connection to self and to your desires. 

To ground you in an embodied remembering that, at your core, you have always been and always will be an artist, a healer.

With every word, they will beckon you back to the pieces of yourself that are calling for your attention, compassion and care.

Savour and linger over what resonates in their messages for you and leave what does not apply. 

You contain multitudes and are the best leader for your life. Always.


- 44 Card Deck + 60 page bound Guidebook
- 350GSM card-stock with soft touch matte laminate
- Rigid storage box
- 6 x downloadable embodiment practice audios to pair with your card readings

$60 AUD  + postage

(approx £32, €37, $40 USD & $54 CAD + postage)

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