Experience online vocal coaching for confident singing, blending fun and expression with effective learning and technique. Our Zoom sessions and online courses let you improve your voice comfortably from home.

 Let’s get this transformation started huh?

If you can bring your time, attention and email address, I’ll bring the lightbulb moments.

What do you want to dive deep on first?


If you’ve been feeling defeated or have told yourself “Maybe belting just isn’t something I can do” please don’t give up hope.

In this class I share the ingredients I was missing (or had misinterpreted from teachers) as I was learning that helped it to snap into place for me.

If you want to feel clear on where to direct your energy to access a free-flowing, powerful belt, pop your details below to watch the masterclass.

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    For those who want to taste what it would feel like to express themselves without the mind drama and the overwhelming nerves.

    If your body turns to jelly and your mind goes into overdrive when you know others are listening, you are not alone.

    And the answer actually isn’t to double your practice hours.

    Because there are plenty of singers with solid technique who are still shaking like a leaf on stage (I was one of them).

    The skills you'll want to develop to feel more comfortable in your own skin on stage or in front of others have a different flavour.

    In this class we’ll

    • shed light on why your nervous system seems to hit meltdown mode when others are listening and what you can do about it.

    • give you some simple ways to diffuse the situation when you're in the moment (that isn't "pretend you're excited or imagine everyone naked").

    • help you believe that this is something that can soften enough that you can actually enjoy sharing your voice and expressing yourself authentically.

    Pop your details below to watch the workshop.

      Spam is the WORST which is why I'll never send you any. Unsubscribe at any time.