Okay, I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and assume that your voice doesn’t sound as phenomenal as you’d like it to.
And you’re not really sure how to get it there OR whether or not that’s even an option.
(I promise you, it is)
Okay, I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and assume that your voice doesn’t sound as phenomenal as you’d like it to.
And you’re not really sure how to get it there OR whether or not that’s even an option.
(I promise you, it is)
It’s that nobody ever asked you how you were feeling or how your fear or anxiety comes to the party uninvited.
You’re not stupid.
It’s that you weren’t shown HOW in a way that made sense to you.
And that’s NOT on you.Spending hours and hours just getting more discouraged and frustrated without the dazzling voice to show for it.
Trying to make sense of all the teaching videos that are out there and ending up feeling more confused than ever.
Oof, I’ve been there and I feel you.