Experience online vocal coaching for confident singing, blending fun and expression with effective learning and technique. Our Zoom sessions and online courses let you improve your voice comfortably from home.

Technique is meant to

help you express yourself in the way YOU want to, safely and without limitations or barriers. 

It's not meant to

confuse you, separate you from your expression, cause a panic about "right and wrong" or make you doubt your gifts or ability to learn.


There isn't one universal "right" technique.

There are multiple pathways to the same (beautiful) result.

Some styles of teaching technique can create a rigid binary of "right" and "wrong," amplifying perfectionism and anxiety.

You may have felt so overwhelmed by all the boxes you need to tick in order to "be a good singer" that you don't have enough bandwidth to ENJOY the process.

Singing might have stopped being a vehicle for expression, story-telling and emotional connection and becomes more of a puzzle to solve.

If any of this rings a bell for you, I promise you, there's another way (and it was never your fault).


If the approach you've tried so far isn't working, it's time to try something different.



This class is all about demystifying what you’ve been told, to

Help you express the sound YOU want to, in the simplest way with the least amount of jargon.


When technique is explained in a way that makes sense to you, you know

  • SPECIFICALLY what you’re meant to be doing

  • Why you’re doing what you’re doing (what result you’re aiming to get)

  • How it’s meant to feel, and

  • How you can activate that feeling in your body (on command/cue)

And your thoughts, emotions and nervous system are a vital part of the conversation.


If you would love to stop feeling like you need to spend an hour watching YouTube videos to understand what crycothyroid tilt, mixed voice, forward placement or cord closure is (and more importantly how to make it happen)…

Let me be your human Google Translate.


Ready for a sigh of relief?

$55 AUD

(approx $36.50 USD, £29.50 and €33.50)


Technique Got Your Tongue? is a nearly 2 hour recorded live class. You get access to the downloadable version via Dropbox.



In this class you'll learn about all the heavy hitters, including

  • The question you should always ask before jumping into technical troubleshooting that will save you boatloads of time and frustration

  • Why breaking up with "registers" could be the best decision you'll make all year

  • What the heck "sing from the diaphragm" actually means and the relationship that you want to cultivate

  • How you already know how to get "cord closure" and why that phrase is over-complicating the whole process

  • Why "forward placement" is a terrible end goal (and what to replace it with)

  • Why the way you're listening to music could be half the problem

  • The #1 element that is almost always missing when singers try to add power

  • Why your definition of control might be robbing you of a fuller, freer sound

  • The trio that are the cause of 99% of tongue tension in singers

and other mysteries!


My Story

I spent most of my early singing journey feeling completely overwhelmed and a little stupid.

I didn’t know how to “activate more support” or “sing more from my diaphragm” - I couldn’t even explain what that really meant or what it should feel like.

I couldn’t simply “stop singing from my throat” no matter how hard I tried.

I ended up in tears after more lessons that I can count.

And stopped regularly practicing because it was utterly demoralising.


I’ve been surrounded by vocal technique since the age of 11.

From classical teachers through my teen years and at university.

From coaches from various schools of thought and approaches (Speech Level Singing, Estill, CVT and Somatic Voicework) in my twenties.

I’ve attended vocal pedagogy conferences, listened to all the latest research.


I became a collector and an interpreter.

Trying to decipher what the FELT EXPERIENCE that was hidden underneath all the complicated jargon and scientific measurements.

And finding the simplest and easiest ways to convey that to singers in a way that EMPOWERED them instead of amplifying their self-doubt.


The greatest compliments I receive from students are “Wow, the way you describe it just makes sense!” and “Is it really that easy?”

Seeing their eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning when the exact sound they had in mind falls from their lips is such a gift.

Because you shouldn’t feel bewildered and lost when it comes to your own self expression.

Singing is about story-telling, about emotional connection, about exploration and discovering how to create something beautiful from your breath.

There’s not just one “right path” to help a singer create certain sounds and sensations.

And the BEST one is the one that is safe and efficient in a language they’re fluent in.

If the way technique has been taught to you is working wonders for your voice - go along your merry little way.

But if not, I can’t wait to see you in class.


Let’s show you what’s possible when you're shown the trap door

$55 AUD

(approx $36.50 USD, £29.50 and €33.50)

Technique Got Your Tongue? is a nearly 2 hour recorded live class. You get access to the downloadable version via Dropbox.