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Feel like giving up on the regular?

That you simply can’t take another rejection, “failure”, or snide comment?

I get it. Making music and putting yourself out there is a rough ride.

We do it because we love it. It fuels us and lights us up in a way that nothing else can.

And yet there are so many twists and turns on the rollercoaster that seem designed to throw us off.

That make throwing in the towel seem like the logical and easiest option.



You know that a life without music isn’t what you want right?

It’s a part of you.

It would leave a gaping hole if you were to cut it out completely.



To get you back on that horse and remind you why you were riding it in the first place.


Making music can feel as though you're on the top of the world one minute and a no talent hack the next.

We have to find ways of building our self worth and resilience while tapping into the beauty of the creative process.

This book is for you if you've ever felt deflated because you...

  • didn't get through the audition

  • received less-than-constructive (troll-like) criticism

  • are frustrated because you haven't “made it” yet

  • know your perfectionism is holding you back

  • have lost the joy of creating music somewhere between lessons, exams and competitions.

This is for you if you just want to feel less alone in being an artist.

Imagine what it would feel like to bounce back quicker from a mistake or disappointment.

Or to enjoy the process of learning, playing and writing music without getting pummelled by the fear of failure or not being good enough.


Want a peek inside?

Warning: strong language

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The Moderately Tortured Artist was written to be something to turn to when things feel hard. When you're thinking of throwing in the towel. Something to increase your confidence while you lick your wounds.

Hey, I'm Kim and I'm a self appointed cheerleader for singers and musicians. In this book, I share my stories and the stories of students and friends who have been right where you are now.

Including tales of

  • Panic inducing, sweaty palmed performance anxiety

  • The moments your heart feels like it might beat its way out of your chest when you think about failing

  • Self sabotage

  • The pressure of auditions and exams

  • Finding the balance between technique and letting go

  • Dealing with cruel criticism

  • The hard slog between periods of vibrant creativity, inspiration and motivation.

There are thought-provoking insights and tips on how to navigate the tricky and competitive world of music mixed in with a healthy dose of butt kicking/throwing water in your face/gentle slapping. Y'know, the small shove you might not get from your mother. 


Whether you’re an amateur, professional or anywhere in between, you face self doubt, criticism, comparison and fear.

Isn’t it time you came up with a game plan to build resilience, find that courage and start putting your art out there?

Kimberley Smith has written the most incredible book of support, advice and encouragement for anyone and everyone out there on the creative expression through music journey.

It’s just like the best applause from an attentive crowd and a warm hug combined.
— Cadwyn
I downloaded your book The Moderately Tortured Artist the other day and have really, really enjoyed it!! It came at a great time for me, and I read almost all of it in one sitting.

I have been feeling quite discouraged and stuck with my singing, but the thoughts and experiences you shared in the book have helped me “reset” and gain some healthy perspective.

Thanks so much for sharing your heart and your experiences!! I’m looking forward to going back and rereading it in order to reinforce these very important lessons.
— Melissa



Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, exposed and share our music with the world is TOUGH.

And sometimes it pays to have someone (or something with a cover and pages) to turn to to help you get back on the horse.

Readers have said it's like sitting down with me over a cup of coffee (or glass of wine if that's more your style) talking through the often rough ride of being a musician.

Many of us are perfectionists.

Many of us teeter on the verge of giving up when we don't receive the applause we expected.

We take it way too seriously and end up deflated when our hard work doesn't seem to be paying off.

We forget that it's meant to be FUN.

The book is absolutely AMAZING! There are so many times when I’ve thought to myself “she’s reading my mind”.
— Alison
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Kimberley’s conversational style, raw honesty, and sense of humour helped me realise that singing and song writing is not something only for the “gifted”, but for everyone.

What’s much more important than if your songs ever become hits, is that you give yourself permission to write, sing and perform your songs the way that’s authentic to you, your voice, your style and who you are.
— Ryan


The Moderately Tortured Artist 
lays it all out there.

It's a permission slip for anyone who has ever felt alone, afraid, discouraged or lost as an artist.

If you want to get back to the real reason you started playing in the first place, lose the comparison and the self sabotage and enjoy the process again - let's do this.

More pretty sweet reader love…

I appreciate your efforts (and heart) in shedding light on the mental health aspects of artistry & performance & it’s definitely a noble & important cause.

I think the book will serve well as a reflection tool, something one can pick up from time to time & it will do well in aiding them in putting one foot in front of the other, when so needed. Plenty in there to ponder & chew over! It’s cool you’ve been honest in sharing your own battles, it always makes someone in a teaching position so much more relatable.

Thanks for being brave enough to give to us all.
— Shane
I’ve been reading your book and I love it! Not only do you fill the book with very useful insight and tips, but you are extremely funny Kim!

You are so funny and I wish we could meet each other for coffee sometimes. Or wine or karaoke!
— Rhonda
I literally can’t thank you enough for the joy and drive you gave me through this. I highlighted the parts that I liked the most and now the book is half pink.

This book helped me get my head straight about singing and at the same time allowed me to be messy and have fun.

Also, it couldn’t have come at a better time since I had a performance a week ago. I was pretty hopeless that my performance was going to suck, but through your words i managed to practice more and give myself permission to open up. To this day it’s my favorite performance I have done.

I wish I could give you a hug! Again thank you, thank you, thank you! :]
— Despoina
You write really well. I loved your conversational style, which was really easy to read. I love the way your passion shone through your words. That was brilliant. Thank you for that.

I suspect that it’ll be a great book to use when I’m hunting for answers and I’ll be able to hold the problem in my mind and flip open the book to a random page to find something useful :) There’s just that much good, useful advice in it.
— Geoff
I felt like I was reading the story of ME!

I’d recommend it to anyone who’s ever doubted their own self worth. And as a bonus, it’s so easy to read! Great work Kim.
— Peter