There’s nothing more panic-inducing than that tight, squeezing feeling when you reach for a high note or try to add power.

Will you be able to hit the note? If you do, will it sound thin or screechy?

Will you ultimately lose your voice if you keep doing it this way?

And I bet you’ve already tried to fix it with hours of scouring YouTube videos, practice and possibly even seeing a teacher about it.

The problem is that you likely don’t know WHY your throat is tense

(which is the key factor in deciding which plan of attack is best suited to solve it)

In this class you’ll learn

#1: The 3 possible reasons for your throat tension when singing

#2: Why your previous approach/es haven’t worked

And finally #3: the SOLUTION (what to do instead that will fix it).

Pop your details below to access the masterclass recording

(as the live class has already taken place)


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