Getcha Belt On Mini Training Series

Just about every singer I know wants access to that raw power, and full, rich, commanding sound.

WITHOUT the strain.

It’d give me all the good feels to help you understand which piece/s of the puzzle could be getting in the way of a strong, free, FUN belt for you.

I hope you enjoy this little series!

First we need to hit up YOUR MINDSET and YOUR SURROUNDINGS - two things that can cause you to hesitate and hold back.

Part 2 is about the BREATH.

We don’t use the breath in the same way all the time when we sing. Belting needs a very specific breath release and if you’re not dishing that out, it’s going to feel all kinds of awful (strained, tight, stretchy, you know the drill). So let’s give you a few hints to help you out with the fuel for your belt.

PS: You can sign up to watch the full length free workshop all about breath support below:

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    Let’s explore "lift the soft palate" and "open up more" PLUS making colour choices BEFORE you start modifying your vowels.

    Next we’re going to be diving into ANCHORING.

    In order to take the strain and vocal load from the little muscles in our throat and neck, we need to be "active" in other ways.

    PS: My tutorial about the "inner smile" or tensor veli palatini lives here.


    Part 5 - of course, how could we finish without discussing EMOTION and EXPRESSION?

    Emotion can help our belt to not only feel less heavy and tense but also give us AND our audience those goosebumps we all long for.

    If you’re BUSTING to build a fierce, free, goosebump-giving belt and know you need help, please let me show you HOW.

    My Getcha Belt Training program isn’t currently available (possibly again January 2021) but all these techniques and concepts are covered in my Pimp Your Voice course which re-opens in March 2020.

    I know you know all of these elements need training.

    They need mindset shifts, tool and technique, exercises and a certain order to change those habits you’re not enjoying.

    You deserve to stand on stage, head held high and TRUST your voice.

    To unleash a strong sound without worrying about strain or tension.

    I know you might be wondering if it’s even possible for you.

    I promise that it can all be learned.