#7: Hands On

Physical touch is such a beautiful way to connect and create intimacy and we can do this with our voices too (well at least areas of our body that are involved in singing).

In this video we’re going to explore stretching and self massage, not as something you should do to be a “good little singer” but as an act of DEVOTION.

Notice how when we change the lens, the intention, we can bring an air of the sacred into any moment of our practice.

We’re going to move through four stretches and self massage techniques for the neck, tongue root and jaw. There are plenty of others you can include depending on how you’d like to support your body (he diaphragm, back muscles and tongue for example).

Again YOU get to be creative in this.

Your practice sessions get to be built around your unique body and what it needs on any given day.

Simply listen.

Your turn

Does it feel or sound any different to you?

How did the process of stretching and massaging your body and the areas connected your voice out of DEVOTION or an HONOURING feel?


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