#8: No One Right Way
This video is for those of you who have spent hours searching for the ONE RIGHT WAY.
THE ONE FIX that will mean your voice is finally “good enough.”
No I’m not banning you from spending hours on YouTube learning different techniques but I am going to ask you to change your perspective a little…
I also share and expand on my list of 4 Things I Know to be True When it Comes to Finding a Solution with Your Voice.
Language matters
Your preferred learning style matters
The questions you ask are vital
Curiosity and compassion are the skills you’ll want to build most of all.
Your turn
Have you heard anything that’s surprised you in your voice when you’ve been more playful and tapping into a more connected experience of singing as a gift this week?
Did you have any lightbulb moments with the “4 things I know to be true about finding a solution” I shared?