4 Questions to Ask Yourself For More Efficient Breath Support


The whole concept of breath support is often taught in either a complicated or a vague way, neither of which help you recreate it for yourself.

You might have heard the word ‘diaphragm’ thrown around like soap on a rope or know your belly should move, but the specifics might feel a little shaky.

Breath support (put simply) is the relationship between your breath and the vocal cords (and whether they’re in agreement).


This video was created specifically for the practice room, to help you problem solve this piece of the puzzle.

These are the questions you’ll want to be able to answer which will help give you insight into what is going on with your breath support/the way you’re fuelling your voice.

Here are four questions that can act as breadcrumbs towards more efficient breath support. 


The video I mention about the inhale lives here.

I’d love for you to share your insights below!

Were any pieces of this new to you or expressed in a different way that helped it click?