Please Take Up More Space


I’ll bet when you see the creatives you adore sharing their gifts and their art, you feel an electric current.

It’s a concoction of inspiration, admiration and the longing to do something similar yourself.

And yet when the opportunity comes to share the unique flavors YOU have to offer, you clam up.

Your finger hovers above the publish or send button.

Stories of seeming “braggy” or “nobody will care” or “it’s not polished enough” cause you to second guess yourself.

And you shrink back within yourself, feeling embarrassed that you “couldn’t get over your fear”.

Please know that this is what many creatives experience on. the. regular. Myself included.

We have the whispers and opinions of dozens of people littering our minds with tales of “too much” and “showing off” and “wait until it’s perfect”.

Sharing your art and yourself is a fight. To overpower those stubborn tapes playing on loop and hit send.


What helps me is dancing with the idea of IMPACT.

I know how I feel when I witness artists stepping up and sharing their creations with absolute conviction.

I’m in awe of their confidence and the way they stand behind their work or their process.

Their willingness to be seen gives me permission to do the same.

It reminds me that art is more powerful and transcendent that whoever is behind it.

It allows me to focus on the people RECEIVING my words, voice or music and how it could make them feel.

Make it for you. But share it in the spirit of encouraging others to feel comfortable taking up space too. ❤️

Kimberley SmithComment